Simply the most comprehensive business analysis that exists of the self-improvement market. This study examines the $9.6 billion market for motivational "self-improvement" programs and products that seek to improve us physically, mentally, financially or spiritually. Discusses the market for: books, CDs/DVDs, audiobooks, infomercials, motivational speakers, public seminars, workshops, retreats, webinars, 16 holistic institutes, personal coaching, websites, Internet courses, training organizations and more. Nature of the business and outlooks for each market segment. Major topic categories covered: weight loss/exercise, business/sales skills, business opportunities/investing, improving relationships, and general motivational.
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The study analyzes market segments/structure, the market's $ size/growth (2003-2018 forecast), the shift to Internet delivery of content, customer demographics, in-depth profiles of 40 top motivational speakers (Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Phil McGraw, Dr. Laura, Brian Tracy, Suze Orman, Tom Hopkins, Robert Kiyosaki, Zig Ziglar, many others), top 100 infomercials for 2009-2013, 2015 status reports of the U.S. weight loss market, and more. New chapter covering Internet money-making "mastery" courses/"academies"/programs. Interviews with market leaders. 2ff7e9595c